A friend, acquaintance, or partner; someone with whom one spends time or keeps company
His dog has been his trusted companion for the last five years.
A person employed to accompany or travel with another.
The framework on the quarterdeck of a sailing ship through which daylight entered the cabins below.
The covering of a hatchway on an upper deck which leads to the companionway; the stairs themselves.
A knot in whose neighborhood another, specified knot meets every meridian disk.
A thing or phenomenon that is closely associated with another thing, phenomenon, or person.
An appended source of media or information, designed to be used in conjunction with and to enhance the main material.
The companion guide gives an in-depth analysis of this particular translation.
A celestial object that is associated with another.
A knight of the lowest rank in certain orders.
a companion of the Bath
A fellow; a rogue.
To be a companion to; to attend on; to accompany.
To qualify as a companion; to make equal.