A native inhabitant of a place, country etc.
A note that is not or is no longer to be modified by an accidental.
The symbol ♮ used to indicate such a natural note.
One with an innate talent at or for something.
He's a natural on the saxophone.
An almost white colour, with tints of grey, yellow or brown; originally that of natural fabric.
One with a simple mind; a fool or idiot.
One's natural life.
A hairstyle for people with afro-textured hair in which the hair is not straightened or otherwise treated.
Closed under submodules, direct sums, and injective hulls.
That exists and evolved within the confines of an ecosystem.
The species will be under threat if its natural habitat is destroyed.
Of or relating to nature.
In the natural world the fit tend to live on while the weak perish.
Without artificial additives.
Natural food is healthier than processed food.
As expected; reasonable.
His prison sentence was the natural consequence of a life of crime.
Neither sharp nor flat. Denoted ♮.
There's a wrong note here: it should be C natural instead of C sharp.
Produced by natural organs, such as those of the human throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but little from the original key.
Having 1 as the base of the system, of a function or number.
Without, or prior to, modification or adjustment.
So-called second-generation silicone breast implants looked and felt more like the natural breast.
Having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's position; not unnatural in feelings.
Connected by the ties of consanguinity.
Related genetically but not legally to one's father; born out of wedlock, illegitimate.
(of sexual intercourse) Without a condom.
We made natural love.
Bidding in an intuitive way that reflects one's actual hand.
Naturally; in a natural manner.