An amorphous, compact mass.
Our cat loves to play with a small wad of paper.
A substantial pile (normally of money).
With a wad of cash like that, she should not have been walking round Manhattan
A soft plug or seal, particularly as used between the powder and pellets in a shotgun cartridge, or earlier on the charge of a muzzleloader or cannon.
A sandwich.
An ejaculation of semen.
To crumple or crush into a compact, amorphous shape or ball.
She wadded up the scrap of paper and threw it in the trash.
To wager.
To insert or force a wad into.
to wad a gun
To stuff or line with some soft substance, or wadding, like cotton.
to wad a cloak
Plumbago, graphite.
Any black manganese oxide or hydroxide mineral rich rock in the oxidized zone of various ore deposits.