The act, or process of slewing.
A device used for slewing.
A change of position.
To rotate or turn something about its axis.
To veer a vehicle.
To insert extra ticks or skip some ticks of a clock to slowly correct its time.
To pivot.
To skid.
To move something (usually a railway line) sideways
The single line was slewed onto the disused up formation to make way for the future redoubling.
To make a public mockery of someone through insult or wit.
A wet place; a river inlet.
To kill, murder.
Our foes must all be slain.
To eradicate or stamp out.
You must slay these thoughts.
(by extension) To defeat, overcome (in a competition or contest).
1956, “Giants Slay Bears in Pro Title Battle”, in Lodi News-Sentinel, 1956 December 31, page 8.
To delight or overwhelm, especially with laughter.
Ha ha! You slay me!
To amaze, stun or otherwise incapacitate by awesomeness; to be awesome at something; to kill (slang sense).
To have sex with
A large amount.
She has a slew of papers and notebooks strewn all over her desk.