A substance in the fundamental state of matter that retains its size and shape without need of a container (as opposed to a liquid or gas).
A three-dimensional figure (as opposed to a surface, an area, or a curve).
A favor.
I owe him; he did me a solid last year.
An article of clothing which is of a single color throughout.
I prefer solids over paisleys.
(in the plural) Food which is not liquid-based.
The doctor said I can't eat any solids four hours before the operation.
(of an object or substance) That can be picked up or held, having a texture, and usually firm. Unlike a liquid or a gas.
Almost all metals are solid at room temperature.
Large in size, quantity, or value.
Lacking holes, hollows or admixtures of other materials.
solid chocolate
Strong or unyielding.
a solid foundation
Excellent, of high quality, or reliable.
I don't think Dave would have done that. He's a solid dude.
Hearty; filling.
a solid meal
Worthy of credit, trust, or esteem; substantial; not frivolous or fallacious.
Financially well off; wealthy.
Sound; not weak.
a solid constitution of body
Written as one word, without spaces or hyphens.
American English writes many words as solid that British English hyphenates.
Not having the lines separated by leads; not open.
United; without division; unanimous.
The delegation is solid for a candidate.
Of a single color throughout.
He wore a solid shirt with floral pants.
(of drawn lines) Continuous; unbroken; not dotted or dashed.
The solid lines show roads, and the dotted lines footpaths.
Having all the geometrical dimensions; cubic.
A solid foot contains 1,728 solid inches.
Without spaces or hyphens.
Many long-established compounds are set solid.