To contain in or as if in a cradle.
To rock (a baby to sleep).
To wrap protectively, to hold gently and protectively.
cradling the injured man’s head in her arms
To lull or quieten, as if by rocking.
To nurse or train in infancy.
To rock the lacrosse stick back and forth in order to keep the ball in the head by means of centrifugal force.
To cut and lay (grain) with a cradle.
To transport a vessel by means of a cradle.
To put ribs across the back of (a picture), to prevent the panels from warping.
The act by which one cradles a child etc.
The act of using a cradle (the tool).
(coopering) The cutting of a cask into two pieces lengthwise, to enable it to pass a narrow place, the two parts being afterwards united and rehooped.
The framework in arched or coved ceilings to which the laths are nailed.