A slashing action or motion, particularly:
A mark made by a slashing motion, particularly:
Something resembling such a mark, particularly:
The loose woody debris remaining from a slash, (particularly forestry) the trimmings left while preparing felled trees for removal.
Slash generated during logging may constitute a fire hazard.
Slash fiction.
To cut or attempt to cut, particularly:
To strike violently and randomly, particularly:
To move quickly and violently.
To crack a whip with a slashing motion.
To clear land, (particularly forestry) with violent action such as logging or brushfires or through grazing.
The province's traditional slash-and-burn agriculture was only sustainable with a much smaller population.
To write slash fiction.
A drink of something; a draft.
A piss: an act of urination.
To piss, to urinate.
A swampy area; a swamp.
A large quantity of watery food such as broth.
To work in wet conditions.
The period of a transitory breeze.
An interval of good weather.
The loose part of a rope; slack.