Bad (not good), inauthentic, of an inferior quality, contemptible, lacking integrity, lame, or strange.
Every record they ever made was straight-up wack.
Crazy, mad, insane.
Cool, bizarre, and potentially scary.
The sound of a heavy strike.
The strike itself.
The stroke itself, regardless of its successful impact.
An attempt, a chance, a turn, a go, originally an attempt to beat someone or something.
40 bucks a whack.
(originally Britain cant) A share, a portion, especially a full share or large portion.
A whack-up: a division of an amount into separate whacks, a divvying up.
A deal, an agreement.
It's a whack!
The backslash, ⟨ \ ⟩.
To hit, slap or strike.
To kill, bump off.
To share or parcel out; often with up.
to whack the spoils of a robbery
To beat convincingly; to thrash.
(usually in the negative) To surpass; to better.