To shield from light.
The old oak tree shaded the lawn in the heat of the day.
To alter slightly.
Most politicians will shade the truth if it helps them.
To vary or approach something slightly, particularly in color.
The hillside was bright green, shading towards gold in the drier areas.
(of a defensive player) To move slightly from one's normal fielding position.
Jones will shade a little to the right on this pitch count.
To darken, particularly in drawing.
I draw contours first, gradually shading in midtones and shadows.
To surpass by a narrow margin.
Both parties claimed afterwards that their man did best in the debate, but an early opinion poll suggested Mr Cameron shaded it.
To reduce (a window) so that only its title bar is visible.
To shelter; to cover from injury; to protect; to screen.
To present a shadow or image of; to shadow forth; to represent.