Having a color.
Wash colored items separately from whites and darks to prevent the colors from bleeding.
Having a particular color or kind of color.
The room was red, with a dark-colored rug.
Having prominent colors; colorful.
The singer wore a colored shirt.
Influenced pervasively but subtly.
My opinions are colored by my upbringing.
Of skin color other than white; in particular, black.
Of neither black nor white skin color.
Most of the colored community speaks Afrikaans, whereas languages like Xhosa or Venda are typically spoken by blacks and English is spoken mostly by whites.
Designated for use by colored people (in either the US or South African sense).
a colored drinking fountain
An achromatic colour intermediate between black and white.
An animal or thing of grey colour, such as a horse, badger, or salmon.
An extraterrestrial humanoid with greyish skin, bulbous black eyes, and an enlarged head.
To become grey.
My hair is beginning to grey.
To cause to become grey.
To turn progressively older, in the context of the population of a geographic region.
the greying of Europe
To give a soft effect to (a photograph) by covering the negative while printing with a ground-glass plate.
Having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember.
Dreary, gloomy.
Having an indistinct, disputed or uncertain quality.
Relating to older people.
the grey dollar, i.e. the purchasing power of the elderly