Any of several subdued tints of colors, usually associated with pink, peach, yellow, green, blue and lavender
A drawing made with any of those colors.
A type of dried paste used to make crayons.
A crayon made from such a paste.
Wool was dyed in the pastel vat.
A traditional dish in various Latin American countries, resembling a tamale, pasty, or calzone.
A soft flavoured sweet/candy.
A medicinal pill, originally compressed herbs. A throat pastille is a large candy-like lozenge, which, when sucked, releases oils to soothe a sore throat and sometimes vapors to help unblock the nose or sinuses.
A small granular half-spheroid piece of material.
A small cone of charcoal and aromatic substances, burned either as incense, or as a means of diffusing an agreeable odour.
A paper tube containing a firework that causes a small wheel to rotate in burning.