(sometimes offensive) A member of the Romani people, or one of the sub-groups (Roma, Sinti, Romanichal, etc).
(sometimes offensive) A cheat or swindle; a rip-off.
Why do we have to buy this new edition of the textbook when there’s almost no difference between it and the previous one? What a gyp!
(sometimes offensive) To cheat or swindle someone or something inappropriately.
The cab driver gypped me out of ten bucks by taking the longer route.
An itinerant person or any person, not necessarily Romani; a tinker, a traveller or a carny.
(sometimes offensive) A move in contra dancing in which two dancers walk in a circle around each other while maintaining eye contact (but not touching as in a swing). (Compare whole gyp, half gyp, and gypsy meltdown, in which this step precedes a swing.)
A member of a Broadway musical chorus line.
A person with a dark complexion.
A sly, roguish woman.
A college servant, one who would attend upon a number of students, brushing their clothes, carrying parcels, waiting at parties and other tasks, distinct from a college porter or bedder.
The room in which such college servants work.
A small kitchen for use by college students.
Pain or discomfort.
My back's giving me gyp.