The act of grazing; a scratching or injuring lightly on passing.
A light abrasion; a slight scratch.
The act of animals feeding from pasture.
To feed or supply (cattle, sheep, etc.) with grass; to furnish pasture for.
1999: Although it is perfectly good meadowland, none of the villagers has ever grazed animals on the meadow on the other side of the wall. — Stardust, Neil Gaiman, page 4 (2001 Perennial Edition).
To feed on; to eat (growing herbage); to eat grass from (a pasture)
Cattle graze in the meadows.
To tend (cattle, etc.) while grazing.
To eat periodically throughout the day, rather than at fixed mealtimes.
To shoplift by consuming food or drink items before reaching the checkout.
To rub or touch lightly the surface of (a thing) in passing.
the bullet grazed the wall
To cause a slight wound to; to scratch.
to graze one's knee
To yield grass for grazing.