To tell in a descriptive way.
Please relate the circumstances of your journey here today.
To bring into a relation, association, or connection (between one thing and another).
To have a connection.
The patterns on the screen relate to the pitch and volume of the music being played.
To interact.
To respond through reaction.
(with to) To identify with; to understand.
I find it difficult to relate to others because I'm extremely introverted.
To bring back; to restore.
Standing in relation or connection.
Electric and magnetic forces are closely related.
Being a relative of.
Everyone is related to their parents.
Narrated; told.
Fulfilling a relation.
(in combination) Having a relationship with the thing named
Gun-related crime.
Connected to or depending on something else; comparative.
(of a URL, URI, path, or similar) Expressed in relation to another item, rather than in complete form.
The relative URL /images/pic.jpg, when evaluated in the context of, corresponds to the absolute URL
(grammar) That relates to an antecedent.
Having the same key but differing in being major or minor.
Relevant; pertinent; related.
relative to your earlier point about taxes, ...
Capable to be changed by other beings or circumstance; conditional.