A plait or fold in cloth, made by drawing a thread through it; a pucker.
The inclination forward of the axle journals to keep the wheels from working outward.
The soffit or under surface of the masonry required in gathering. See gather (transitive verb).
A blob of molten glass collected on the end of a blowpipe.
A gathering.
To collect; normally separate things.
I've been gathering ideas from the people I work with.
To bring parts of a whole closer.
She gathered the shawl about her as she stepped into the cold.
To infer or conclude; to know from a different source.
From his silence, I gathered that things had not gone well.
(of a boil or sore) To be filled with pus
Salt water can help boils to gather and then burst.
To collect molten glass on the end of a tool.
To gain; to win.