A solid mass formed by the coalescence of separate particles; a compound substance, a concretion.
Specifically, a building material created by mixing cement, water, and aggregate such as gravel and sand.
The road was made of concrete that had been poured in large slabs.
A term designating both a quality and the subject in which it exists; a concrete term.
Sugar boiled down from cane juice to a solid mass.
A dessert of frozen custard with various toppings.
An extract of herbal materials that has a semi-solid consistency, especially when such materials are partly aromatic.
(usually transitive) To cover with or encase in concrete (building material).
I hate grass, so I concreted over my lawn.
(usually transitive) To solidify: to change from being abstract to being concrete (actual, real).
To unite or coalesce into a mass or a solid body.