Having life; living; not dead
As long as the plant is alive, he will continue to water it.
In a state of action; in force or operation; existent
to keep the affections alive
Busy with activity of many living beings; swarming; thronged; busy.
Although quite dull during the day, the main street comes alive at night, with many bars and clubs opening.
Sprightly; lively; brisk.
Susceptible; easy to impress; having keen feelings, as opposed to apathy
(as an intensifier) out of all living creatures.
(only used attributively) Having life; that is alive.
The post office will not ship live animals.
Being in existence; actual
He is a live example of the consequences of excessive drinking.
Having active properties; being energized.
Operational; in actual use rather than in testing etc.
Taken from a living animal.
live feathers
Imparting power; having motion.
a live, or driving, axle
Still in active play.
a live ball
Seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens.
The station presented a live news program every evening.
(of a performance or speech) In person.
This nightclub has a live band on weekends.
(entertainment, performing) Recorded in front of an audience and not having been edited after recording.
a live album
Of firearms or explosives, capable of causing harm.
The air force practices dropping live bombs on the uninhabited island.
(circuitry) Electrically charged or energized, usually indicating that the item may cause electrocution if touched.
Use caution when working near live wires.
Being a bet which can be raised by the bettor, usually in reference to a blind or straddle.
Tommy's blind was live, so he was given the option to raise.
Featuring humans; not animated, in the phrases “live actors” or “live action”.
Being in a state of ignition; burning.
a live coal; live embers
Full of earnestness; active; wide awake; glowing.
a live man, or orator
Vivid; bright.