To pay, give in payment; repay, recompense; reward; requite.
To furnish; to afford; to render; to give forth.
To give way; to allow another to pass first.
Yield the right of way to pedestrians.
To give as required; to surrender, relinquish or capitulate.
They refuse to yield to the enemy.
To give, or give forth, (anything).
To give way; to succumb to a force.
To produce as return, as from an investment.
Historically, that security yields a high return.
To produce as a result.
Adding 3 and 4 yields a result of 7.
To produce a particular sound as the result of a sound law.
Indo-European p- yields Germanic f-.
(of a material specimen) To pass the material's yield point and undergo plastic deformation.
To admit to be true; to concede; to allow.
Docile, or inclined to give way to pressure.
A concession.