An arched masonry structure supporting and forming a ceiling, whether freestanding or forming part of a larger building.
Any arched ceiling or roof.
Anything resembling such a downward-facing concave structure, particularly the sky and caves.
The space covered by an arched roof, particularly underground rooms and church crypts.
Any cellar or underground storeroom.
Any burial chamber, particularly those underground.
Family members had been buried in the vault for centuries.
The secure room or rooms in or below a bank used to store currency and other valuables; similar rooms in other settings.
The bank kept their money safe in a large vault.
A piece of apparatus used for performing jumps.
A gymnastic movement performed on this apparatus.
An encrypted digital archive.
An underground or covered conduit for water or waste; a drain; a sewer.
An underground or covered reservoir for water or waste; a cistern; a cesspit.
A room employing a cesspit or sewer: an outhouse; a lavatory.
To build as, or cover with a vault.
An act of vaulting, formerly by deer; a leap or jump.
An event or performance involving a vaulting horse.
To jump or leap over.
The fugitive vaulted over the fence to escape.
A turning; a time (chiefly used in phrases signifying that the part is to be repeated).
A volte
A turning point or point of change in a poem, most commonly a sonnet.