A short curtain that usually hangs along the top edge of a window.
A decorative framework used to conceal the curtain mechanism and so on at the top of a window.
(bedding) A short, decorative edging of cloth that hangs from the mattress to the floor.
The drooping edging of the lid of a trunk, which covers the joint when the lid is closed.
An extract; a preparation, now especially one effective against a certain number of strains of a pathogen.
The combining capacity of an atom, radical or functional group determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, gain, or share when it combines with other atoms etc.
The number of binding sites of a molecule, such as an antibody or antigen.
The number of arguments that a verb can have, including its subject, ranging from zero (for the likes of "It rains") to three (for the likes of "He gives her a flower") or, less commonly, four.
The number of bonds that a verb has constitutes what we will call the valence of the verb.
A one-dimensional value assigned to an object, situation, or state, that can usually be positive or negative.
anger and fear have negative valence