A very tall iron-framed structure, usually painted red and white, on which microwave, radio, satellite, or other communication antennas are installed; mast.
A similarly framed structure with a platform or enclosed area on top, used as a lookout for spotting fires, plane crashes, fugitives, etc.
A water tower.
A control tower.
Any very tall building or structure; skyscraper.
Any item, such as a computer case, that is usually higher than it is wide.
An interlocking tower.
A strong refuge; a defence.
A tall fashionable headdress worn in the time of King William III and Queen Anne.
High flight; elevation.
The sixteenth trump or Major Arcana card in many Tarot decks, usually deemed an ill omen.
The nineteenth Lenormand card, representing structure, bureaucracy, stability and loneliness.
To be very tall.
The office block towered into the sky.
To be high or lofty; to soar.
To soar into.
One who tows.