A journey through a particular building, estate, country, etc.
On our last holiday to Spain we took a tour of the wine-growing regions.
A guided visit to a particular place, or virtual place.
On the company's website, you can take a virtual tour of the headquarters.
A journey through a given list of places, such as by an entertainer performing concerts.
Metallica's tour of Europe
A trip taken to another country in which several matches are played.
A street and road race, frequently multiday.
A set of competitions which make up a championship.
A tour of duty.
A closed trail.
A going round; a circuit.
A turn; a revolution.
the tours of the heavenly bodies
To make a journey
The Rolling Stones were still touring when they were in their seventies.
To make a circuit of a place
The circuses have been touring Europe for the last few weeks.
A tower.
To toot a horn.