Stir; bustle; agitation; contention.
A gush of water.
A sufficient quantity of yeast for brewing.
To move; stir.
To move actively; keep stirring.
To rise up in clouds, as smoke, dust, etc.
To stir up, as liquor.
To pour; pour leisurely out of any vessel held high.
To sprinkle.
(now rare outside dialectal) Tall; large; stout.
(now rare outside dialectal) Strong; powerful; hardy; robust; sturdy.
O stronge lady stoor, what doest thou?--Chaucer.
(now rare outside dialectal) Bold; audacious.
(now rare outside dialectal) Rough in manner; stern; austere; ill-tempered.
(now rare outside dialectal, of a voice) Rough; hoarse; deep-toned; harsh.
(now rare outside dialectal, of land or cloth) Stiff; inflexible.
Resolute; unyielding.
In a stour wise.