The beginning of an activity.
The movie was entertaining from start to finish.
A sudden involuntary movement.
He woke with a start.
The beginning point of a race, a board game, etc.
Captured pieces are returned to the start of the board.
An appearance in a sports game, horserace, etc., from the beginning of the event.
Jones has been a substitute before, but made his first start for the team last Sunday.
A young plant germinated in a pot to be transplanted later.
An initial advantage over somebody else; a head start.
to get, or have, the start
To begin, commence, initiate.
To begin an activity.
The rain started at 9:00.
To have its origin (at), begin.
The blue line starts one foot away from the wall.
To startle or be startled; to move or be moved suddenly.
To break away, to come loose.
To put into play.
To pour out; to empty; to tap and begin drawing from.
to start a water cask
To start one's periods (menstruation).
Have you started yet?
A tail, or anything projecting like a tail.
A handle, especially that of a plough.
The curved or inclined front and bottom of a water wheel bucket.
The arm, or level, of a gin, drawn around by a horse.