To fracture or break apart suddenly.
He snapped his stick in anger.
To give forth or produce a sharp cracking noise; to crack.
Blazing firewood snaps.
To attempt to seize with the teeth or bite.
A dog snaps at a passenger. A fish snaps at the bait.
To attempt to seize with eagerness.
She snapped at the chance to appear on television.
To speak abruptly or sharply.
He snapped at me for the slightest mistake.
To give way abruptly and loudly.
To suffer a mental breakdown, usually while under tension.
She should take a break before she snaps.
To flash or appear to flash as with light.
To fit or fasten together with a snapping sound.
To jump to a fixed position relative to another element.
The floating toolbar will snap to the edge of the screen when dragged towards it.
To snatch with or as if with the teeth.
To pull apart with a snapping sound; to pop loose.
To say abruptly or sharply.
To speak to abruptly or sharply; to treat snappishly; usually with up.
To cause something to emit a snapping sound.
to snap a fastener
To close something using a snap as a fastener.
To snap one's fingers: to make a snapping sound, often by pressing the thumb and an opposing finger of the same hand together and suddenly releasing the grip so that the finger hits against the palm; alternatively, by bringing the index finger quickly down onto the middle finger and thumb.
To cause to move suddenly and smartly.
To take a photograph; to release a camera's shutter (which may make a snapping sound).
He snapped a picture of me with my mouth open and my eyes closed.
To put (a football) in play by a backward pass or handoff from its position on the ground; to hike (a football).
He can snap the ball to a back twenty yards behind him.
To misfire.
The gun snapped.
To catch out sharply (a batsman who has just snicked a bowled ball).
The sound or action of a snap.
The act of snapping at, or speaking sharply to, somebody.