An insult or slight.
a racial slur
A set of notes that are played legato, without separate articulation.
The symbol indicating a legato passage, written as an arc over the slurred notes (not to be confused with a tie).
A trick or deception.
In knitting machines, a device for depressing the sinkers successively by passing over them.
To insult or slight.
To run together; to articulate poorly.
to slur syllables; He slurs his speech when he is drunk.
To play legato or without separate articulation; to connect (notes) smoothly.
To soil; to sully; to contaminate; to disgrace.
To cover over; to disguise; to conceal; to pass over lightly or with little notice.
To cheat, as by sliding a die; to trick.
To blur or double, as an impression from type; to mackle.