A light boot, fitted with a blade, used for ice skating.
A boot having small wheels or casters attached to its sole; used for roller skating
A runner or blade, usually of steel, with a frame shaped to fit the sole of a shoe, made to be fastened under the foot, and used for gliding on ice.
The act of skateboarding
There's time for a quick skate before dinner.
The act of roller skating or ice skating
The boys had a skate every morning when the lake was frozen.
To move along a surface (ice or ground) using skates.
To skateboard
To use the skating technique.
To get away with something; to be acquitted of a crime for which one is manifestly guilty.
Pertaining to the technique of skating.
A fish of the family Rajidae in the superorder Batoidea (rays) which inhabit most seas. Skates generally have small heads with protruding muzzles, and wide fins attached to a flat body.
A worn-out horse.
A mean or contemptible person.