A building material which covers and protects the sides of a house or other building.
Ugh. If there's one thing I can't stand it's cheesy vinyl siding.
To ally oneself, be in an alliance, usually with "with" or rarely "in with"
Which will you side with, good or evil?
To lean on one side.
To be or stand at the side of; to be on the side toward.
To suit; to pair; to match.
To work (a timber or rib) to a certain thickness by trimming the sides.
To furnish with a siding.
to side a house
To provide with, as a side or accompaniment.
To clear, tidy or sort.
A second, relatively short length of track just to the side of a railroad track, joined to the main track by switches at one or both ends, used either for loading or unloading freight, storing trains or other rail vehicles; or to allow two trains on a same track to meet (opposite directions) or pass (same direction) (the latter sense is probably an American definition).