Matted material; rough massed hair, fibres etc.
Coarse shredded tobacco.
A type of rough carpet pile.
Bacon or fat, especially if with some remaining hair or bristles.
A roughly-cut or torn-off piece of bread or cheese.
To make hairy or shaggy; to roughen.
To hang in shaggy clusters.
Hairy; shaggy.
Several species of sea birds in the family Phalacrocoracidae (cormorant family), especially the common shag or European shag, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, found on European and African coasts.
A swing dance.
An act of sexual intercourse.
A casual sexual partner.
To shake, wiggle around.
To have sexual intercourse with.
To have sexual intercourse.
To masturbate.
To chase after; especially, to chase after and return (a ball) hit usually out of play.
To perform the dance called the shag.
(Northwestern Ontario) A fundraising dance in honour of a couple engaged to be married.
Friend; mate; buddy.