Pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree; a hydrocarbon polymer of isoprene.
Synthetic materials with the same properties as natural rubber.
An eraser.
A condom.
Someone or something which rubs.
The cushion of an electric machine.
The rectangular pad on the pitcher's mound from which the pitcher must pitch.
Jones toes the rubber and then fires to the plate.
(in the plural) Water-resistant shoe covers, galoshes, overshoes.
Johnny, don't forget your rubbers today.
Tires, particularly racing tires.
Jones enters the pits to get new rubber.
A hardship or misfortune.
In relation to a series of games or matches between two competitors where the overall winner of the series is the competitor which wins a majority of the individual games or matches:
A rubber match; a game or match played to break a tie.
The game of rubber bridge.
Rubber overshoes; galoshes.
A disease of sheep, with great heat and itchiness.