To reconstitute or reassemble that which has been dismembered.
1998, David Germano, “Re-Membering the Dismembered Body of Tibet: Contemporary Tibetan Visionary Movements in the People's Republic of China”, in Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet, edited by Melvyn C. Goldstein and Matthew Kapstein, pages 53–94
To recall from one's memory; to have an image in one's memory.
To memorize; to put something into memory.
Please remember this formula!
To keep in mind, be mindful of
Remember what I've said.
To not forget (to do something required)
Remember to lock the door when you go out.
To convey greetings from.
Please remember me to your brother.
To put in mind; to remind (also used reflexively)
To engage in the process of recalling memories.
You don't have to remind him; he remembers very well.
To give (a person) money as a token of appreciation of past service or friendship.
My aunt remembered me in her will, leaving me several thousand pounds.
To commemorate, to have a remembrance ceremony
The act by which something is remembered.