Four shots of espresso.
A kind of round-robin tournament between four players, where each participant plays every other participant once.
The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price bound in a single volume.
A poster, measuring forty by thirty inches, advertising a cinematic film release.
A quadrangle (courtyard).
A quadruplet (infant).
A quadrilateral.
The quadriceps muscle.
A quadriplegic person.
A quadrupel beer.
A quadcopter.
A quad bike (from quadricycle)
Abbreviation of quadrillion BTU. (1015 BTU)
A blank metal block used to fill short lines of type.
A joke used to fill long days of setting type.
(phototypesetting and digital typesetting) A keyboard command which aligns text with the left or right margin, or centred between them. In combination, as quad left, quad right or quad centre.
(exercise) quadriceps (thigh muscles)
Four of a kind