Any flat, thin piece of clay, ivory, metal, etc., used for ornament, or for painting pictures upon, as a dish, plate, slab, etc., hung upon a wall; also, a smaller decoration worn by a person, such as a brooch.
A piece of flat metal with writing on it, attached to a building, monument, or other structure to remind people of a person or an event.
A small card representing an amount of money, used for betting in casinos; a sort of gaming chip.
A clearing in a bacterial lawn caused by a virus.
In the Hornbostel–Sachs classification system: any flat, thin musical instrument.
blown plaques concussion plaques
A broad patch of abnormal tissue distinguishable from surrounding tissue, especially a broad papule on the skin.
An abnormal accumulation of material in or on an organ of the body, often associated with disease.
amyloid plaque pleural plaque senile plaque