A criminal who plunders at sea; commonly attacking merchant vessels, though often pillaging port towns.
You should be cautious due to the Somali pirates.
An armed ship or vessel that sails for the purpose of plundering other vessels.
One who breaks intellectual property laws by reproducing protected works without permission
A bird which practises kleptoparasitism.
A kind of marble in children's games.
To appropriate by piracy, plunder at sea.
They pirated the tanker and sailed to a port where they could sell the ship and cargo.
(intellectual property) To create and/or sell an unauthorized copy of
(intellectual property) To knowingly obtain an unauthorized copy of
Not willing to pay full price for the computer game, Heidi pirated a copy.
To engage in piracy.
He pirated in the Atlantic for years before becoming a privateer for the Queen.
Illegally imitated or reproduced, said of a trademarked product or copyrighted work, or of the counterfeit itself.