An electronic device for detecting sound, vibration, etc., such as one fitted to an electric guitar or record player.
A pickup truck.
(usually attributive) Impromptu or ad hoc, especially of sports games and teams made up of randomly selected players.
At lunch we had a game of pickup hockey.
An instance of approaching someone and engaging in romantic flirtation and courting with the intent to pursue romance, a date, or a sexual encounter. See also pick-up line, pick-up joint, pickup artist.
Hey, thanks for the drink, but if this is a pickup, I'm not interested.
A person successfully approached in this manner for romance or sex.
In various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground.
An item that can be picked up by the player, conferring some benefit or effect; a power-up.
The act of a challenging party or candidate winning an electoral district held by an incumbent party or candidate. See also gain
The returns from the election show Apple Party candidate Jane Doe has made a pickup in the district of City West defeating Orange Party Incumbent Joe Smith
The act of answering a telephone.
A relatively minor shot filmed or recorded after the fact to augment previous footage.
The act of collecting and taking away something or someone, usually in a vehicle.