The act of moving; a movement.
A slight move of the tiller, and the boat will go off course.
An act for the attainment of an object; a step in the execution of a plan or purpose.
He made another move towards becoming a naturalized citizen.
A formalized or practiced action used in athletics, dance, physical exercise, self-defense, hand-to-hand combat, etc.
She always gets spontaneous applause for that one move.
The event of changing one's residence.
The move into my fiancé's house took two long days.
A change in strategy.
I am worried about our boss's move.
A transfer, a change from one employer to another.
The act of moving a token on a gameboard from one position to another according to the rules of the game.
If you roll a six, you can make two moves.
To change place or posture; to go, in any manner, from one place or position to another.
A ship moves rapidly.
To act; to take action; to begin to act
Come on guys, let's move: there's work to do!
To change residence, for example from one house, town, or state, to another; to go and live at another place. See also move out and move in.
I decided to move to the country for a more peaceful life.
(and other games) To change the place of a piece in accordance with the rules of the game.
My opponent's counter was moving much quicker round the board than mine.
To cause to change place or posture in any manner; to set in motion; to carry, convey, draw, or push from one place to another
The horse moves a carriage.
To transfer (a piece or man) from one space or position to another, according to the rules of the game
She moved the queen closer to the centre of the board.
To excite to action by the presentation of motives; to rouse by representation, persuasion, or appeal; to influence.
This song moves me to dance.
To arouse the feelings or passions of; especially, to excite to tenderness or compassion, to excite (for example, an emotion).
That book really moved me.
To propose; to recommend; specifically, to propose formally for consideration and determination, in a deliberative assembly; to submit
I move to repeal the rule regarding obligatory school uniform.
To mention; to raise (a question); to suggest (a course of action); to lodge (a complaint).
To incite, urge (someone to do something); to solicit (someone for or of an issue); to make a proposal to.
To apply to, as for aid.
To request an action from the court.
An attorney moved the court to issue a restraining order.
To bow or salute upon meeting.
To sell, to market (especially, but not exclusively, illegal products)