The state or condition of being a human being
He feared the speedy decline of all manhood.
The state or condition of being an adult male human being, as distinguished from a child or a woman. Compare adulthood. Contrast womanhood and childhood.
He was a strapping youth poised on the brink of manhood.
All of the adult male human beingss of a given locality, region, district, country, nation or state, or all of the adult male humans pertaining to a given human subgroup (culture, race, ethnicity, lineage, family, etc.), regarded collectively
The idealized nature of an adult male human: all of the characteristics traditionally and ideally ascribed to manliness, such as: courage, bravery, dominance, resolve, self-control, executive ability, physical/bodily strength, and sexual potency as regarded collectively
My goodness, James certainly is a prime example of manhood, isn't he?
The self-concept of a man (an adult male human being) with respect to his possession of the various qualities traditionally and ideally ascribed to manliness; a man's sense or view of himself as being more or less manly
I feel that when you boss me around, you insult my manhood.
The male genitalia, especially the penis
She spied on him in the shower and glimpsed his manhood.