The release of an arrow.
A state of laxity or indulgence; unrestrained freedom, abandonment.
All play other than set pieces (scrums and line-outs).
Freedom from restraint.
A letting go; discharge.
To let loose, to free from restraints.
To unfasten, to loosen.
To make less tight, to loosen.
Of a grip or hold, to let go.
To shoot (an arrow)
To set sail.
To solve; to interpret.
Not fixed in place tightly or firmly.
This wheelbarrow has a loose wheel.
Not held or packaged together.
'You can buy apples in a pack, but they are cheaper loose.
Not under control.
The dog is loose again.
Not fitting closely
'I wear loose clothes when it is hot.
Not compact.
'It is difficult walking on loose gravel.
She danced with a loose flowing movement.
Not precise or exact; vague; indeterminate.
a loose way of reasoning
Loose talk costs lives.
(somewhat dated) Free from moral restraint; immoral, unchaste.
Not being in the possession of any competing team during a game.
He caught an elbow going after a loose ball.
Not costive; having lax bowels.