To make better from a disease, wound, etc.; to revive or cure.
This bandage will heal your cut.
To become better or healthy again.
Bandages allow cuts to heal.
To reconcile, as a breach or difference; to make whole; to free from guilt.
to heal dissensions
To follow at somebody's heels; to chase closely.
She called to her dog to heel.
To add a heel to, or increase the size of the heel of (a shoe or boot).
To kick with the heel.
To perform by the use of the heels, as in dancing, running, etc.
To arm with a gaff, as a cock for fighting.
To hit (the ball) with the heel of the club.
To make (a fair catch) standing with one foot forward, the heel on the ground and the toe up.
To incline to one side; to tilt.
Having a heel (often of a specified type, as in high-heeled etc.).
Prepared, especially armed with a weapon.
Wealthy; having enough money.
To hide, conceal, and keep secret, especially for a secret society (such as the masons).
(now especially in the phrase "hele in") To cover or conceal (a seedling, plant, roots, etc).