A horizontal metal grill through which water, ash, or small objects can fall, while larger objects cannot
The grate stopped the sheep from escaping from their field.
A frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning
To furnish with grates; to protect with a grating or crossbars
to grate a window
To shred (things, usually foodstuffs), by rubbing across a grater
I need to grate the cheese before the potato is cooked.
To make an unpleasant rasping sound, often as the result of rubbing against something
Listening to his teeth grate all day long drives me mad.
(by extension) to get on one's nerves; to irritate, annoy
She’s nice enough, but she can begin to grate if there is no-one else to talk to.
(by extension) to annoy