To fit, as for a specific end or purpose; make suitable or comfortable; adapt; adjust.
To construct by fitting or uniting together various parts; fabricate by union of constituent parts.
To bring or put into form or order; adjust the parts or elements of; compose; contrive; plan; devise.
Of a constructed object such as a building, to put together the structural elements.
Once we finish framing the house, we'll hang tin on the roof.
Of a picture such as a painting or photograph, to place inside a decorative border.
To position visually within a fixed boundary.
The director frames the fishing scene very well.
To construct in words so as to establish a context for understanding or interpretation.
How would you frame your accomplishments?
Conspire to incriminate falsely a presumably innocent person. See frameup.
The gun had obviously been placed in her car in an effort to frame her.
To wash ore with the aid of a frame.
To move.
To proceed; to go.
To hit (the ball) with the frame of the racquet rather than the strings (normally a mishit).
To strengthen; refresh; support.
To execute; perform.
All have sworn him an oath that they should frame his will on earth.
To cause; to bring about; to produce.
To profit; avail.
To fit; accord.
To succeed in doing or trying to do something; manage.
The placing of a picture, etc. in a frame.
The placing of something in context.