To bend (any thin material, such as paper) over so that it comes in contact with itself.
To make the proper arrangement (in a thin material) by bending.
If you fold the sheets, they'll fit more easily in the drawer.
To become folded; to form folds.
Cardboard doesn't fold very easily.
To fall over; to be crushed.
The chair folded under his enormous weight.
To enclose within folded arms (see also enfold).
To give way on a point or in an argument.
To withdraw from betting.
With no hearts in the river and no chance to hit his straight, he folded.
(by extension) To withdraw or quit in general.
To stir gently, with a folding action.
Fold the egg whites into the batter.
Of a company, to cease to trade.
The company folded after six quarters of negative growth.
To double or lay together, as the arms or the hands.
He folded his arms in defiance.
To cover or wrap up; to conceal.
To confine animals in a fold.
The action of folding; a fold.
The keeping of sheep in enclosures on arable land, etc.
Code folding: a source code display technique that can hide the contents of methods, classes, etc. for easier navigation.
The deformation of the Earth's crust in response to slow lateral compression.
Paper money, as opposed to coins.
Designed to fold; as a folding bed, a folding bicycle, a folding chair, etc.