To fall heavily due to lack of energy.
He flopped down in front of the television, exhausted from work.
To cause to drop heavily.
The tired mule flopped its ears forward and trudged on.
To fail completely; not to be successful at all (of a movie, play, book, song etc.).
The latest album flopped and so the studio canceled her contract.
To pretend to be fouled in sports, such as basketball, hockey (the same as to dive in soccer)
It starts with Chris Paul, because Blake didn't really used to flop like that, you know, last year.
To strike about with something broad and flat, as a fish with its tail, or a bird with its wings; to rise and fall; to flap.
The brim of a hat flops.
To have (a hand) using the community cards dealt on the flop.
Both players flopped sets! Cards dealt on the flop: Q95. Player A's hole cards: 55 (making three of a kind: 555). Player B's hole cards: QQ (making three of a kind: QQQ).
To stay, sleep or live in a place.
The motion of something that flops.