A slender jointed extremity of the human hand, exclusive of the thumb.
Humans have two hands and ten fingers. Each hand has one thumb and four fingers.
Similar or similar-looking extremities in other animals, particularly:
Something similar in shape to the human finger, particularly:
Something similarly extending, from a larger body, particularly:
a finger of land; a finger of smoke
Something similar in function or agency to the human finger, with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing.
Various units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly
A part of a glove intended to cover a finger.
Skill in the use of the fingers, as in playing upon a musical instrument.
Someone skilled in the use of their fingers, a pickpocket.
A person.
(especially in the phrase 'give someone the finger') An obscene or insulting gesture made by raising one's middle finger towards someone with the palm of one's hand facing inwards.
To identify or point out. Also put the finger on. To report to or identify for the authorities, rat on, rat out, squeal on, tattle on, turn in.
To poke, probe, feel, or fondle with a finger or fingers.
To use the fingers to penetrate and sexually stimulate one's own or another person's vagina or anus; to fingerbang
To use specified finger positions in producing notes on a musical instrument.
To provide instructions in written music as to which fingers are to be used to produce particular notes or passages.
To query (a user's status) using the Finger protocol.
To steal; to purloin.
To execute, as any delicate work.