A colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied.
Any hue, color, or blee.
A regular polyhedron, usually a cube, with numbers or symbols on each side and used in games of chance.
That which is, or might be, determined, by a throw of the die; hazard; chance.
(plural also dies) An oblong chip fractured from a semiconductor wafer engineered to perform as an independent device or integrated circuit.
The cubical part of a pedestal; a plinth.
A device for cutting into a specified shape.
A device used to cut an external screw thread. (Internal screw threads are cut with a tap.)
A mold for forming metal or plastic objects.
An embossed device used in stamping coins and medals.
(plural also dice) An oblong chip fractured from a semiconductor wafer engineered to perform as an independent device or integrated circuit.
Any small cubical or square body.