Deserved acknowledgment.
Give him his due — he is a good actor.
(in plural dues) A membership fee.
That which is owed; debt; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done, duty.
Right; just title or claim.
Owed or owing.
He can wait for the amount due him.
With all due respect, you're wrong about that.
Scheduled; expected.
Rain is due this afternoon.
Having reached the expected, scheduled, or natural time.
The baby is just about due.
Owing; ascribable, as to a cause.
The dangerously low water table is due to rapidly growing pumping.
On a direct bearing, especially for the four points of the compass
The town is 5 miles due North of the bridge.
(used with compass directions) Directly; exactly.
The river runs due north for about a mile.