To move or develop something.
To exert or experience force.
(fluidic) To remove or separate or displace.
To change in size or shape.
To attract or be attracted.
(usually as draw on or draw upon) To rely on; utilize as a source.
She had to draw upon her experience to solve the problem.
To disembowel.
To end a game in a draw (with neither side winning).
We drew last time we played. I drew him last time I played him. I drew my last game against him.
To choose by means of a random selection process.
To make a shot that lands gently in the house (the circular target) without knocking out other stones.
To play (a short-length ball directed at the leg stump) with an inclined bat so as to deflect the ball between the legs and the wicket.
To hit (the ball) with the toe of the club so that it is deflected toward the left.
To strike (the cue ball) below the center so as to give it a backward rotation which causes it to take a backward direction on striking another ball.
A picture, likeness, diagram or representation, usually drawn on paper.
(uncountable) The act of producing such a picture.
Such acts practiced as a graphic art form.
The process of drawing or pulling something.
Proverb: An official is great in his office as a well is rich in drawings of water.
An act or event in which the outcome (e.g., designating a winner) is selected by chance in the form of a blind draw, notably of lots; especially such a contest in which a winning name or number is selected randomly by removing (or drawing) it from a container, popularly a hat.
A small portion of tea for steeping.