The husk of grain; chaff.
(mildly) Something worthless or of poor quality; junk.
The long-running game show went from offering good prizes to crap in no time.
(mildly) Nonsense; something untrue.
The college student boasted of completing a 10,000-word essay on Shakespeare, but that claim was utter crap.
(mildly) Faeces/feces.
I stepped in some dog crap that was on the sidewalk.
(mildly) An act of defecation.
I have to take a crap.
To defecate.
That soup tasted funny, and now I need to crap.
To defecate in or on (clothing etc.).
He almost crapped his pants from fright.
To bullshit.
Don't try to crap me, I know you're lying.
(mildly) Of poor quality.
I drove an old crap car for ten years before buying a new one.
Expression of worry, fear, shock, surprise, disgust, annoyance or dismay.
Aw, crap, I have to start over again from the beginning of the level.
A losing throw of 2, 3, or 12 in craps.