To fish for crabs.
To ruin.
To complain.
To drift or move sideways or to leeward (by analogy with the movement of a crab).
To navigate (an aircraft, e.g. a glider) sideways against an air current in order to maintain a straight-line course.
To move (a camera) sideways.
(World War I), to fly slightly off the straight-line course towards an enemy aircraft, as the machine guns on early aircraft did not allow firing through the propeller disk.
To back out of something.
(obsolete) To irritate, make surly or sour
To be ill-tempered; to complain or find fault.
(British dialect) To cudgel or beat, as with a crabstick
The act or art of catching crabs.
The fighting of hawks with each other.
(wool manufacture) A process of scouring cloth between rolls in a machine.