Strips of material used as festive decoration, especially in the colours of the national flag.
A thin cloth of woven wool from which flags are made; it is light enough to spread in a gentle wind but resistant to fraying in a strong wind.
Flags considered as a group.
Any of various songbirds, mostly of the genus Emberiza, having short bills and brown or gray plumage.
A warm, hooded infant garment, as outerwear or sleepwear, similar to a sleeper or sleepsack; especially as baby bunting or bunting bag.
To push with the horns; to butt.
To spring or rear up.
To intentionally hit softly with a hands-spread batting stance.
Jones bunted the ball.
To intentionally hit a ball softly with a hands-spread batting stance.
Jones bunted.
To perform (the second half of) an outside loop.
We had heard that there was an elite group of three or four pilots in Jodhpur called the "Bunt Club", who had successfully bunted their aircraft - that is, carried out the second half of an outside loop. In the Bunt, you pushed the nose down, past the vertical and still further, until you were in horizontal inverted flight, and came out on the other side and rolled it out.
To swell out.
The sail bunts.
(of a cat) To headbutt affectionately.
A pushing action.
A strong timber; a stout prop.
An old boys' game, played with sticks and a small piece of wood.